Modern Books and Manuscripts / Pictures Paintings engravings drawings etc Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD GILL Eric ([1931])Christ Crowned£900.00EnquireJAQUES JohnOriginal drawing, architectural rendering of the front elevation of the Palace Theatre, Cambridge Circus London£1000.00EnquireUnavailableBURNE-JONES Edward Coley (1887)Pan and Psyche£3500.00EnquireART WORKERS' GUILD (1905)Sketches made on the Lithography Night 14 April 1905£500.00EnquireWAUGH Evelyn (1924)The Golden Hind. A Quarterly Magazine of Art and Literature£1200.00Enquire Pagination: