Atlas Maritimo de España.

TOFINO DE SAN MIGUEL Vicente (1789  )


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Elephant folio (620 x 490 mm); engraved title-page; letterpress index, listing 47 sheets, 21 double-page charts, 16 harbour charts (seven full-page, 9 double-page) and ten sheets of coastal profiles (all but one double-page). Original boards. Madrid : Vincente Tofiño De San Miguel,

Despite its long maritime heritage, Spain (and Portugal) lagged behind the rest of Europe in terms of chart publishing.

Vicente Tofiño De San Miguel (1732-1795) was a Spanish mariner and chart-maker, who published the first printed Spanish sea-atlas, the 'Atlas maritimo de Espana', 1787 [-1789]. This volume is one part of the 'Atlas maritimo de Espana', containing only those charts of the Atlantic coasts of Spain and north-western Africa, with a series of charts of the major harbours, including Vigo Bay, Bilbao and Cadiz.  

This was the most important sea-atlas of Spanish coastal waters and facing coast of Africa of the period, rendered particularly important by the naval operations during the war between Britain and Spain.

Stock Code: 223008

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